Sunday, August 16, 2009

Romantic Comedy

Yup! That's the description that mike and I are in. A few months back in facebook, Mike wrote under his status : Open relationship, which made a lot of cyberspace friends a buzz with "what's going on between you too?, "becoming promiscuous ehhhh?!"

Well, just to let you know, I approved of what he wrote, because I did not know any better. I thought that open relationship meant the liberty of discussing anything from his feelings, moods and anything under, over and around the sun. You know how secretive Filipino men are , who thinks that being 'macho' is having women on the sideline and that there are demarcation duties between both sexes. The kind that insinuates that it's a woman's duty to stay at home and keep house, while the men look for bread and bacon. Baloney!

I've never had problems about Mike having women.( if there were any?) How do I know that? Because early on in our married life, he always looked for me every minute of the day . (well am exaggerating, but close). My mom used to say how obsessed my husband was of me because he often wanted to know my whereabouts, even if I was just at home. And when I went abroad, my sister would say, that he would often talk only about me...and only me...

One time, I even joked to my husband to have an affair...Well, sort of a joke but really! if he ever did it, I would have a reason to leave him and say, "Because you were unfaithful to me..You jerk! How could you!!!!" And then the world will condemn him and elevate my status to saint and he a sinner. But, it never happened. Not that I know of , am sure.

One time, Mike sent me a bunch of flowers and instead of thanking him, I said, "but why did you do that? We could have used the money for something else...The flowers will just wilt, but maybe a new pair of le crueset pans would be better." Of course the ungrateful moi would be so just that.....ungrateful.

Then when I would be working at my desk, he would slide a box of my favorite chocolates . I would turn my head with dagger look eyes and say, "What's this?!!! You want to make me fat?!" And he'd say, "That's to show my love for you." And then I'd say, "yes, because you want me to have more of those love handles a.k.a. bilbils for you to hold." Then he'd retrieve the box with an apologetic, hurt look , to which I will grab the chocolates. But then of course, we'd both end up eating them anyway.

Mike is a hopeless romantic and looks at every opportunity to court me even at this stage in our lives. And of course, the crazy me always makes every instance look funny. Just the other day, I was chatting with my daughter and I don't remember if I was griping, whining or complaining, but out of the blues, she told me to have sex with Mike so that his moods will be better. Am not suppose to be shocked by that statement since I am a Woodstock liberated baby, but then YES! coming from my conservative daughter I was shocked.

But as fast as I lost bearing in my track for a moment , I gained it back. I told her that if it comes to sex, her papa and I just do ORAL SEX...she then got shocked (my revenge--hehehe). To which I said, nowadays, we just TALK ABOUT it, that's all...Then I told her that give it another 5 years or so, we will have ANAL SEX, which means we will be older, and that we will just ANALYZE what sex is all about. Di ba.?

It is said that the best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother. And Mike has indeed given that to his children. It is the reason why I look young, among other things.

In a woman's life, there are three roles that she can choose to play. She can be a drama queen complete with the ups and downs of conflicts, tragedies and successes. Or she can play The supporting actress, where life unfolds itself through revelations and she just moves with the flow. Or she can be a comedian and live a life full of wit and humour . After all, in the story of life, we end up dead anyway. I chose the latter.

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