Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Lost Wallet

A few weeks ago,  hubby lost his wallet.  He thought he left it at the grocery store while buying some fresh vegetables that we were going to juice up that morning.  So he went back only to be told his wallet was not there.  He then retraced his steps and didn’t find it as well.

A few hours later, we were going to the city for some activity, I told hubby to retrace again his steps that morning.  If I would ever want a second job, it would probably be a private investigator because I would have success on my hunches (I do have interesting tales to relate on this one,  to the point that I was  almost sued for libel which  turned out I was right, but that’s another story)

Anyway, hubby said he did retrace his steps earlier but succumbed to my request of doing it all over.  While we were walking down the sidewalk, he was looking towards the street, while I was looking at the alleys and walkways.  Then somewhere between a door and an alleyway I saw a bunch of call card strewn.  It was probably one of those trash cards one throws on the streets, but i saw the name “Xango Shola” which happened to be a friend of ours.  This led me to believe that these cards were the contents of my hubby’s wallet.   I then  gathered the cards and gave them to hubby. which was indeed the contents of his wallets sans his i.d. and the money which had amounted to twice a daily’s wage.

The confirmation that hubby’s wallet was indeed picked up and weeded out of its contents had left me with a feeling of pitiness for my hubby who worked so hard for his keep only to be enjoyed by another.  But what surprised me was his calm reaction to the whole thing.  His only response was, “the guy who got my wallet must have needed the money more than me.  I’m just glad I got my cards back and I can always get a new atm card.”

It is not our action that determines our attitude, it is our reaction to the incident.  
Sometimes, what could be our misfortune can turn out good if we look at it a different way.   And I had to share this incident because of the story I read a few minutes ago:

Indeed one of the best eye opener message:
It was their anniversary, and Aisha was waiting for her husband Rajiv to show up.
Things had changed since their marriage, the once cute couple couldn't-live-without-each-other had turned bitter.
Fighting over every little things, both didn't like the way things had changed.
Aisha was waiting to see if Rajiv remembered it was their anniversary!

Just as the door bell rang she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand.
The two started re-living the old days. Making up for fights, then was d plan for champagne, light music And it was raining outside! It was perfect.
But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang.
Aisha went to pick it up and it was a man. "Hello ma'am I'm calling from the police station. Is this Mr Rajiv Mehra's number?"
"Yes it is!"
"I'm sorry ma'am; but there was an accident and a man died. 
We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body."
Aisha's heart sank.!!! She was shocked!
But my husband is here with me?"
"Sorry ma'am, but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the train."
Aisha was about to lose her conscience.
How could this happen?!
She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves!
She ran into the other room.
He was not there. It was true! He had left her for good!!
Oh God she would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She lost her chance! Forever!
Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rajiv came out and said "Darling, I forgot to tell you my wallet got stolen today".


at the rate we're going, we'll be so wrinkled up we wouldn't recognize each other...

My Encounter with Josh Groban

(notes by vanette on facebook)

“I love you” said Josh Groban after signing my CD of his latest album “All that Echoes”. So I am now declaring I am a cougar but only for Josh G.  But it’s not what you think it seems.  

Anyway, when I read about a book signing of J.G at a book store, I immediately planned my noon break just to grace the event.  After all I am a big fan after hearing him many years ago at an episode of Ally McBeal. 

My employer is very supportive of me when it comes to these events.  After all, she was the primary initiator of this action.  Many years ago, upon knowing that I had passion for anything culinary, she brought me to a mall and said, “Mario Batalli is doing book signings today. Go get his book and meet the man!”  And after that initial encounter,  every chance I get to meet a celebrity in person, I just go.

This is however, the first time that it is not culinary related but still my favorite.  The line of people outside the bookstore was already teaming with people when I arrived an hour early.  I surprised myself to brave the cold, wintry morning but nevertheless time flies so fast when the people around you just have endless chatter amidst laughter.  Those that were in line ahead of me were Canadian tourists and behind me were New York matrons.  And the stories they tell, whew! I could write a book!

An hour  or so later (but it seemed minutes), our batch queued up waiting for that  encounter with the celebrity.  As I was nearing the man seated behind a huge table, I held on to my undies thinking that they might fall off the minute I saw my ‘star’-- well didn’t they say that he has the charisma of ‘makataktak ug panty’? (panty drops)..Oh well!

We were not allowed to take pictures so the least I could do was to hold his hand longer and gripped it as best as I could.  He had the smile of a college kid that I just melted.  And as he was signing my CD, this was what we chatted about.

me:  I am such a hhhhhhuggge  fan!

JG ; thank you!

me:  and I’m from the PHilippines and I am so excited to meet you (my usual lines to every celebrity to know that as far away they are known)

JG:  Oh! great!  I’ve been to the PHilippines

me:   I know.  I read about it.

JG:   They are so good to me.  I hope to go back.

me:  You should...The filipinos really love you.

JG:  And I love you (pushing my cd to me and looking at me with a smile)

me:  thank you. (I smiled, took my cd, clasped my hand and made a ‘namaste’ bow)

And that my friend was how my encounter with Josh Groban happened.  I represented the Filipino people that he loves and I was very proud of it.  And as I left the book store the experience of that morning was all that echoes.

I stole a shot from the side as we were queuing up
my signed cd

Cuisine-nera looking for the 'Kusinerong Bakal ng Pinas' ....ikaw ba yan?

While the whole of America was busy watching Superbowl last Sunday,  I was doing apostolic work by watching over my ‘apos’ (grandkids).  After a game of junior monopoly and  that american version of ‘sunka’ with them,  my eldest grandchild then played with her mom’s  i-pad, while the other one was tinkering on her dad’s laptop.

As for me, I was watching the Filipino Channel with it’s various talk shows.  I was entertained by that immigration show wherein a lady kept on referring to the emcee as ‘ Attorney Gar-pang kehl‘ otherwise known as Mr. Garfinkel.  The show was very informative as well as amusing considering that many Filipnos would like to  hold on to the ‘American Dream’.  

The preceeding show  called the  Kulinarya tours  shocked me when the announcer said that the culinary capital of the philippines was Pampangga?...Where did that come from?...No offense to my sister in law who is a Pampangueno --but I don’t see how that came to be because all I know of their food are the unhealthy cured meats of tocino and longanisa.  Unless of course they might refer to specialties of bitute tugad which are frogs and the kamaru which are mole crickets.  But then again, it takes a strong stomach to take in the unknown.

But regardless, the cured meats of Pampangga can not even equal a small percentage of  the jamons (Iberrico or Serrano) of Spain or the Prosciutto and Pancetta of Italy.  However, let me remind you that Cebu lechon has been acclaimed as the ‘best pig ever’ by the renowned travelling chef Anthony Bourdain. ‘Anong say nyo?’

If not for that acclamation , our filipino cuisine is as mixed as it’s asean neighbors. And unless we reinvent, develop or recreate our gustatory palate into a healthier yet appealing one, then we are what we eat.  The adobos for instance is either dried and oily (known as pina-uga)  or too salty because it is swimming in its soy (with sauce). And as far as those noodle dishes are concerned, every Filipino family has it’s own version.  From the famous Cebuano Bam-i to the orange Pancit Palabok. wondering, if we ever have a food challenge among the different foods in the Philippines, what region will reign supreme?  I’m up for that challenge as a Cebuano, any takers?