Monday, June 23, 2008


I am on a journey of finding myself. I realized I have so many unresolved issues that I have to deal with. Issues that I alone can handle if I want to. I may need help along the way or I may not. It remains to be seen and I can only be the one to make that choice.

On my journey I have with me a backpack, a waist belt and a carry on. These are all filled with memories, traditions, cultures and habits. I have also brought along pride, guilt, fear, faith and many more. Inside my bag, I also hold people that are dear to me, my spouse, my children, my relatives, a few friends and my past. Some I may keep, others I may let go.

I don't know what's going to happen, but I know that time will just tell if my journey was worth even the trip or in consequence, was it ever worth the thought.

My journey will have my two feet firmly planted on the ground, with ears open, eyes shined and thought as sharp and loaded with gigabytes, ready for sponging in favorable information and picking off the bits of useless ones.

I will chose my own path, so I will have no one to blame for any lost directions. I will do what I think is right so I will not be judgemental of anyone but myself.

It's all about me. Yes, everything is about me. The sin of the world. The ego of life. The center letter of the word sin is the "I". Me, mine, my..That's just what this is all about.

How can I give, when I have none.
How can I heal, when I am hurting
How can I teach, when I haven't learned.

Now, I am ready for the walk. Let me do baby steps, where each foot is a struggle, and every stretch is a challenge. Yet, like a baby who says, " My do it .." or "no help me," or "myself." I will prevail.

Yet when I reach that age of enlightenement when my life just passes before me like a click of a mouse, I would have deleted the unfavorable and retained the important.
Then when the realization comes, I will all tell you of my journey.