Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mother's Day Hangover

It’s been a week, and mothers are back to the grind of being a maid, teacher, driver, psychologist, cook name it, we are it. But once upon a time, women were the rulers and masters of this universe.

In prehistoric times, archaeologists theorized that we belonged to a matriarchal society where women’s time and accomplishments were given more value. They believed that women were “ godlike” because of their abilities to bring new life to the world. Such 'secret' was the bonding element of their tribal sisterhood which brought power to them. Competition amongst women was unheard of, instead, they nurtured and supported each others strengths.

Anyway, the men started to be smart and realized that they had a role in this so called ‘new life’, thus the power shifted. Don’t you often wonder why men think of sex all the time? I think it’s got something to do with the unconscious heritage of that find. The revelation of such conquest made them superior. So they think!!!!

Moreover, women continued to lose power when the men began the custom of removing women from the tribe. It was the men that started initiating marriage and have ‘exclusivity’ rights. Am now picturing that prehistoric scene where a caveman has a club in one hand, while dragging the hair of a woman on the other.

What is applicable in prehistoric times, may not be so in today’s era. Before, men’s physique gave them the title of women’s protector mainly for survival reasons. In this day and age, there are no more bears to hunt nor lions to kill. What may have started as protection in those days has turned now into dominance. But the men still try to hold on to that superiority and dominance which through time is making many women today uncomfortable.

And society is no help in the sense that it feeds children with so much fairy tales and fallacies. Growing up, we were made to believe that woman's place is in the home and that we should hone our cooking and sewing skills if we wanted to attract a good husband. Hogwash!

Let me enumerate some of the revelations I have found after living in 'fairy tale land'.

1) Women don't need rescuing. We're pretty much sufficient.
2) There is no happily ever after. They just get married.
3) Step mothers aren't really that wicked...sometimes only, she's only woman, you know.
4) The prince left Snow White because he couldn't stand 7 meddling fathers in law ...Oh did you know that snow white was adopted by the dwarfs?
5) Cinderella lives in a beautiful castle, but she still talks to the animals. Rumor has it that her Prince has a mistress hidden in another kingdom, away from Cinderella's moles and rats.
6) Beauty is getting to look like her husband. She can't continue her botox treatment because they invested heavily in Lehman Bros and Merryl Lynch. The Beast is now in his 80's.
7) Ali Baba wondered were all his gold went. Someone confided it was part of the Yamashita treasure. He wonders who has it now.
8) The elves and the shoemaker are all working in Carcar, Cebu or Markina
9) Hansel and Gretel inherited a pastry shop.
10) Rapunzel has cancer. She had to go bald. She's looking at the bright side-- at least no one can pull her hair now

So going back to Mother's Day. Mother's DAy is really defined as " nine months after father's night".... but that's only part of it. In actuality, it takes a whole village to care for a child. Such was what the women did in those pre-historic eras. Not all were child bearers. Some were caregivers, cooks, nannies, midwives etc...Each had their own strength, and they all knew who to call and when to call them.

When the males knew the 'secret' and power was shifted, the women had no recourse but to succumb in fear of eradicating the human race. By stopping population, humanity would surely be open to extinction.

So now, don't you think we shouldn't have only mother's day...How about a caregiver's day, a nanny's day, a cook's day......on the whole, why don't we take everyday, a 'woman's day' since we do more than 365 things. Now, that's more like it!!!

Mother's Day Appetizers

shrimps in tequila and lime sauce

baked mussels in garlic

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