Thursday, March 29, 2012

And All Because of Facebook

I am not one to believe a story when it comes out in the newspaper, because they hype up the negatives and water down the real issue. Lately, there is this news happening in my hometown about senior students from an exclusive girl's school who will not be able to 'walk the aisle' but can graduate considering they have completed their high school education.

The problem lies in the pictures found in facebook where a bunch of teen age girls were seen at the beach in garbs that left little to the imagination. Moreover, the girls were in 'compromising' positions like almost making out with some boys of their peers, and these 'evidences' were presented to the nuns by some 'concerned' student. Apparently, the parents of the girls were informed and some sort of understanding was agreed. One teacher apparently was going to give a “D” grade for conduct but the parent requested for leniency so a “C” was given. That would have sufficed for the meantime, but when the parents realized that her daughter will not be allowed to enroll at a prestigious college with a 'C' on the report card, she went into a dilemna. And adding insult to injury was the fact that her daughter would not be able to participate in the rites due to her inappropriate actions. Said parent(s) went balistic and had to go to court....the rest is what you read in the papers.

Apparently, some 40 years ago I had an encounter with the principal of the same school in question. (Yes, I went to that exclusive girl's school those girls studied). I was on a project to assist in a concert featuring a trio and we were going to do school campus tours. I was in my senior year in high school and this was a part time job after school and would end after the concert. Anyway, we did some campus rounds one afternoon and would continue the next day. However, the morning after that first trip, I was called to the principal's office. Said principal did not condone my going around with some group of musicians and a testosteronic group, but the problem came when I did the school campus tours in my uniform. I immediately saw their point but couldn't figure it out since people my age from different schools joined the motorcade in their school uniforms but were not reprimanded. Why single me out? I just don't get it? But the good girl I am, I complied.

The teenagers that were reprimanded in those facebook pictures are enrolled in a religious setting and theirs is one of strict compliance. School policies are policies that must be kept to uphold their reputation as one with high standards. Regardless of the fact that the incident was not done inside the school campus or with any signs of school representations, yet those unruly behaviors must not be left unattended. So who is to blame? The school for not instilling the virtue of modesty? Or the parents, who are responsible for their children's behavior when not in school?

As I write this piece, a news from the television caught me by surprise. It is a similar incident where a group of young girls were banned from using facebook because it 'violates the orthodox of modesty.”

So what is the real issue in all this? Religion? Breeding? Reputation? Righteousness? Modesty? It could be one and it could be all. Where the teenagers victims of the nuns refusal for them to be part of the graduations ceremony? Or where the nuns protecting the integrity of the school which they have so religiously hold. Did the parents have to subject this to a court drama to hide their humiliation of having a recalcitrant child in an autocratic school.

But now the cat is out of the bag. All parties have been subjected to trial by publicity. The court has demanded that the school allow these girls to join the graduation rites. In time all this brouhaha will soon die down, after all, the newspaper sold the story and was juicy while it lasted. The school will probably be more exact in its policies and hopefully those teenagers will learn something from this. Hopefully, there won't be another facebook incident for that school. Hopefully!!!!!!

this picture was taken 40 years ago and all these girls in bikinis are from an exclusive girl school.....
sent to me by my cousin...and if you can spot me, i am in my question: will the nuns
take away our diplomas after seeing this?.....HAHAHAHAH!

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