Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Encounter with Josh Groban

(notes by vanette on facebook)

“I love you” said Josh Groban after signing my CD of his latest album “All that Echoes”. So I am now declaring I am a cougar but only for Josh G.  But it’s not what you think it seems.  

Anyway, when I read about a book signing of J.G at a book store, I immediately planned my noon break just to grace the event.  After all I am a big fan after hearing him many years ago at an episode of Ally McBeal. 

My employer is very supportive of me when it comes to these events.  After all, she was the primary initiator of this action.  Many years ago, upon knowing that I had passion for anything culinary, she brought me to a mall and said, “Mario Batalli is doing book signings today. Go get his book and meet the man!”  And after that initial encounter,  every chance I get to meet a celebrity in person, I just go.

This is however, the first time that it is not culinary related but still my favorite.  The line of people outside the bookstore was already teaming with people when I arrived an hour early.  I surprised myself to brave the cold, wintry morning but nevertheless time flies so fast when the people around you just have endless chatter amidst laughter.  Those that were in line ahead of me were Canadian tourists and behind me were New York matrons.  And the stories they tell, whew! I could write a book!

An hour  or so later (but it seemed minutes), our batch queued up waiting for that  encounter with the celebrity.  As I was nearing the man seated behind a huge table, I held on to my undies thinking that they might fall off the minute I saw my ‘star’-- well didn’t they say that he has the charisma of ‘makataktak ug panty’? (panty drops)..Oh well!

We were not allowed to take pictures so the least I could do was to hold his hand longer and gripped it as best as I could.  He had the smile of a college kid that I just melted.  And as he was signing my CD, this was what we chatted about.

me:  I am such a hhhhhhuggge  fan!

JG ; thank you!

me:  and I’m from the PHilippines and I am so excited to meet you (my usual lines to every celebrity to know that as far away they are known)

JG:  Oh! great!  I’ve been to the PHilippines

me:   I know.  I read about it.

JG:   They are so good to me.  I hope to go back.

me:  You should...The filipinos really love you.

JG:  And I love you (pushing my cd to me and looking at me with a smile)

me:  thank you. (I smiled, took my cd, clasped my hand and made a ‘namaste’ bow)

And that my friend was how my encounter with Josh Groban happened.  I represented the Filipino people that he loves and I was very proud of it.  And as I left the book store the experience of that morning was all that echoes.

I stole a shot from the side as we were queuing up
my signed cd

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