Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What ur melon?

When my good friend, Jim Paredes, asked me how I liked his new CD , “Palaro” I gave him a whole review on it. But one particular song that caught my attention was the song about the watermelon or 'butong pakwan'

I must agree that women can be such chauvinists when they are infanticipating. We just can't help it, but when our hormones and our MENtal faculties don't agree, we can demand what we think our body wants......And Paredes' song about the man being 'outside the kulambo' or couch destined if the woman doesn't get her way is sooooo the saying goes, ... “If momma ain't happy, nobody happy”

Summer is just around the corner, and I am almost sure that watermelons will flood the groceries at this time of year. But then again let's hope we don't get any from China, where they might just blow up in your face considering that that particular farm almost had the entire crop cracking up because of a chemical miscalculation...They got sort of raptured in their own way. ~ I mean the melons, not the chinese!

Watermelons are good sources of hydration considering that it is 92% water. And did you know that everything of the fruit is useful. From the pulp to the skin , it is all edible. Even the seeds are a great appetizer. It's what the chinese eat in between dishes being served at a chinese feast, so my mom used to say.

When I get a chance, I buy a whole piece and use them accordingly. I will set aside what I initially bought it for, and usually it's for salad and a refresher after a spicy meal. Then, the rind, I make into chutneys (try making kimchi salad or our very own atsal in substitute for unripen papaya). The remaining pulp I would apportion them into ziplock bags and each bag would contain some watermelon chunks, cucumber bits, sprigs of mint, a small tiny cut of chile pepper and lime juice. Then I would freeze them all. After work, or when guests arrive, I would put my frozen concoction in a blender and make some smoothie for that summer drink. I will add a few ounces of tequilla or gin, to add some kick.

My goofy girlfriend confided that watermelons are great sources of juicing up our men especially at the onset of aging...And tonight am giving it to my 'significant other', after that, is not my story to tell anymore. Go ask him if it really works!!! because from here lips are sealed and my fingers locked........maybe.

I think they're related...Red is the new green joke!

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