Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wisdom with Age and Reunions

A few weeks ago, facebook was bombarded with high school reunions, especially since STC Cebu was having their annual alumni celebration. Most of the pictures of different levels from the Theresian community, consisted of parties, trips or just get togethers.Even if I wasn't there, reminiscing about those carefree days brought about such humongous nostalgia into my system.

In many reunions I would recall a classmate who revealed to us that while seated in class, she would fan both her knees to reveal her underwear to the delight of our male physics teacher.(but really, she wore shorts-- didn't we all, because then kulots was making its graceful exit out). And those tea parties we had during high school, making the nuns think that this was a noble way to socialize with the opposite sex under their very watchful eyes, was hilarious.

Then when we were in our Junior year in high school, there was an exchange of letters with boys from the junior class of an exclusive boys school. We used aliases and during the year, we'd receive letters from guys we didn't know. By the end of the schoolyear, we revealed ourselves, and you can just imagine the mixed reactions we all had. Every reunion brings about same stories of high school days, and it always makes us laugh everytime. But then new stories are added because we had moved on to much bigger roles and more challenging responsibilities.

During our silver jubilee many years back, we'd talk about careers, husbands and children. Intermixing with tales of the mundane to that of exhilarating experiences. We all have stories to tell and the few years away since high school, can not be compressed into the weekend getaway with the girls. Too many experiences to tell, too little time.

Then fast forward 5 years later into the next reunion, it is the same high school friends, reminiscing that same high school scenarios and still laughing at it everytime. But then, new experiences have emerged like a soap drama that has not completed its story. The twist from earlier events have turned into a mellowing crescendo. Deaths of schoolmates, love affairs , children marrying and births of grandkids. Each tale holding a special meaning to the story teller.

As I look at the pictures, I cannot help but smile. My classmates have grown – some sideways, others well, just like what my classmate Lennie S. said and I quote, “.... Each of you has developed into different variances of vintage wine. Some have developed like the sparkle of Champagne, characters with the richness of character of Merlot, the tenderness of a White Zinfandel, the deep commitments like the Pinot noir. All in all, 1975 was a year of good harvest of girls that have transformed to the basketful of varied, quality, vintage wines that gets better with each year.”

Lest we all get drunk and be carried away by our rambunctious thoughts, I cannot help but smile and be hopeful to take part in the next reunion !!! So before I end, let me tell you about this story, so graciously adopted....

A 72 years old cook was walking through the woods
and was looking for truffles to make some soup for her king.

She stopped and sat on an old log to rest,
when she heard a voice say, "Pick me up."
She looked around and couldn't see any one.
She thought she was dreaming when she heard the voice say a gain,
"Pick me up." She looked to her side, and saw a frog sitting on a tree stump.

The cook said, "Are you talking to me?"
The frog said, "Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up, then kiss me
and I'll turn into the most handsome man you have ever seen.
I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your groom!"

The cook looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully,
and placed it in her apron pocket.

Then the frog said, "What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said?
I said kiss me and I will be your handsome groom."

She opened her apron pocket, looked at the frog and said, "Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog."

With age comes wisdom.....

Okay, by the way, Mike , my hubby was named “Baki” (visayan translation of frog) by his siblings. Why? Dunno, ask them....So, I had my groom when I was young, now I have my talking frog. Hehehe! I am blessed!

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