Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just Random Thoughts

We live in an age of fantasy, where the unreal becomes real and the untrue becomes true.  That is because we created it.  We are artistic beings envisioning our own dreams and turning them into reality.  And sometimes, what we create becomes a tenet of our own making which we hold onto as reality, when actually it is just a cloud of dreams.

It may come as harmless but in due time it forms into a magma of erring traditions and unhealthy conditioning.  What was once believed to be just a shot in the arm to while away questionable minds and give plausible answers, may turn into something which is outrageously ridiculous.

What am I trying to say?  Last night, hubby came home with a small white box tied in a cute red ribbon.  It contained mini nibbles of assorted cookies, merengues and sweets.  But what intrigued me was a tiny writing on the white box (written by a friend)  the word ‘SANTA’  and below it another scribble that said, “SATAN’.  It was implied that when you scribble those letters, indeed it will read that way.

Which sent me to thinking? Who is SANTA?  Is he Satan in disguise of materialism, creating what is now the biggest money making holiday of the year.  (Mother’s Day and Valentines are close competitors).  It’s the time of the year when we instill fear in our kids to be good lest there won’t be any presents for him.  Oh, and another thing, fat Santa in a red suit is a thing of the past.  Yesterday, I saw a lady behind a Santa red suit, donning a fake beard and sitting in front a mom and pop Hispanic grocery store.  Apparently, it was one way of enticing customers to shop.  The ‘Santita’ communicated  in Spanish to the little kids, who was engaging in the conversation.  To top it all, even the parents wanted pictures with Santita.

Do kids love Santa more than the spirit of the season? Should we continue to engage in this shenanigan until the ‘age of awakening’ has bloomed from the minds of babes? I asked a friend on this and he said, “ I say is a sweet loss of innocence.’  So in the meantime, let us feed our kids with so many untruths....and we wonder why there are so many messed up people in this world!!!!!!!....just my wandering thoughts....

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