Monday, July 2, 2012

I am Woman!

“Nothing Shocks me anymore”, is a typical phrase we hear nowadays.  The world is getting more crazy  because then the ultimate question of why people go bonkers  is, “where’s it coming from”?  And this is the reason why I’m writing this piece.
Last weekend, I was at an all-women’s group talking about Integrity, Sensuality,  Self love expressed at it’s best, which to my mind probably is kinda cool.  And i found a different perspective unlike some of the previous all women group I had encountered during my early years.
The first guest speaker was Jessica Delfino, a stand up musical comedian who rendered a song with her  ukelele  about wanting a ‘man slave’.  It was hilarious and was an ice breaker for the topic that evening.  Her brief bio about being a funny lady was accidental, but chosing her passion instead of her parents expectations was indeed fulfilling.
Our main speaker, Melody Kiersz was candid in her discussion on sensual matters particularly about integrity and authenticity.  Metaphorically, women wear as many ‘attires’  depending which best holds the mood at every given moment.  Whether it be a mother, daughter, whore, chef...we are all of it and one in it.  But many a times women would put  on some particular safe ‘robe’ only because of many a conditioning brought by controlled upbringing which is often very suppressing.
As the discussion progressed, there were interactions  about  experiences, relationships and even personal opinions .  Many women dress either for validation, acceptance or just wanting the attention.  Others don clothes that allow little left for the imagination causing controversies.  Eventually, it could be offensive to others  but for some, it might be somewhat liberating.
Melody then narrated her weekday incident at a beach, where she went topless . From her point of view, it was the only way to go for an even sun tan.  But not the same for 2 grandmothers with toddlers, who complained such ‘indeceny’ to the cops. Melody knew she did not violate any laws and explained a 1992 N.Y. ruling regarding the bearing of the breast, that since it was all right for men therefore women should not be discriminated to do it as well.  But she had compassion to move and besides, she had had enough tan for the day.
Two hours with 13 women of different culture, interests and experiences and  still wanting to chitchat was not enough time.  However different our upbringings were, or how we perceive life to be, we are still citizens of the world.   And how we fulfill out our existence  is best when we are atuned within ourselves.  And by just knowing who we really are, and not as the world sees us, should be liberating enough.  
And once you have found what it is that makes YOU,  then it is sufficient ground for activating your MOJO....and it is there that the wonderful, sassy, refined and sublime craziness of being a woman begins. And you know what?! you will always say TGIF  (Thank God I’m Female)

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