Sunday, February 17, 2008

My experiences

I have been very busy the past weekends right before Christmas and until now. It is only during the weekends that I am free to do what I want but have not done so since I have a husband to attend to, children to shop for, grandchildren to baby sit and a host of other house chores to do. And by the time I plan to do something for myself, the weekend has been consumed and I'm back on the daily grind.

Today is the second Sunday of February. After morning service , Mike and I had a quiet lunch. AFter, I got ready to go to the library where I plan to spend a whole afternoon just thinking . If only he'd have the router fixed so I can just stay home and do internet in bed.

So here I am, pounding the keys of my laptop, oblivious of my surroundings.
This morning I decided to write about my school experience.

St. Theresa's was the only school I attended. Be it in San Marcelino in Manila, Quezon City and finally in Cebu.

When I was in Grade 6 being a board monitor or to carry the books of a teacher was a priviledge. It meant that you were in the teacher's favor. I was a favored one of Mrs. Pacaldo who at that time recognized my ballet skill. She asked me to create 5-6 ballet steps for her Grade 1 pupils, which she would use for a program. The times I would be called out of class for a few minutes to join Ms. Pacaldo's Grade 1 class was like being in cloud 9.

Then there was Ms. Rodriguez, my language teacher, who thought that I should represent her class in a declamation contest. It was indeed an honor since the piece that I declaimed was the same piece that my mother did during her elementary days. I did not give it justice, since my mom placed first and I only placed third.

The best times of my high school life was during my senior year.

My first summer job, right before my senior year, was being a secretary to a fraternity (and if my memory serves me right, it was called 'the Gazebians'). They embarked on a concert that brought in a then aspiring group called "the Apo Hiking Society". My association with one of the singers was memorable however, short lived considering that long distance relationships has never been me. After that stint, although the Apo continues to be famous and does numerous appearances, that one and only show I saw was just as eventful. And just as well, the summer job was just for that summer.

Academically speaking, I was good in Math but never in the Sciences. In Algebra,Geometry and Trigonometry I was in the top 5 of the class. However I flunked Biology, and in Science and Physics I was always in the bottom 5. Jesse, a tall and lanky cute looking (at that time) male was our physics teacher. Jesse was not only a teacher but a friend, after all, he was just 5 years my senior and was Mike's classmate. (again!) I became a priviledged student when it came to him. My classmates knew it because they saw and felt it. If they wanted to tell him something, sometimes they would come to me. I became their link, their mediator...Anyway, I will never forget that time when he called me in my house. He was disappointed about our grades and our performances, because it was not up to par. But then he did a little explanation and came up with a solution. Instead of expecting too much from all of us, he decided to lower his standard. In his standard, I was suppose to flunk, (and so would many others), however, since he was lowering his standard would 77% be allright by me? If he was not on the phone, I could've kissed him. It's better than a failing grade noh? Nevertheless, I was just glad we were friends and not just a teacher-student relationship. During my senior year, I was 'kilig to the bones' when I was being treated special. And did I tell you, we went on a double date during my senior year. Is that something or what! Just like the apo moment, the physics moment also came to an end. That same year!

In college, I became a 'star' during my freshmen year. St. Theresa's Cebu presented an annual play entitled 'Terana'. I was chosen to do the lead role. The male roles were given to the seminarians of San Carlos under the direction of Fr. Rudy Villanueva, our musical director. We practiced for 2 months and went home no later than 9 every night. It was my first time singing solo so my grandmother enrolled me under a renowned vocalist in Cebu. Two weeks before curtain call, I got sick. My fever was so high that I was completely dazed. My mother ordered me to have I.V. fluids and was kept home for 2 days to recuperate. Luckily I did bounce back and was able to do all the shows.

Having had that experience has caused me to differ any ambition with the industry. I am content with the behind the scene experiences as contrast to the front line battlefield.

During my third year college, (and in this order) I became pregnant, got married, and gave birth to my first born. We were living with my in-laws so there were many adjustments to be made. It was also during this time that I got a job as a nursery school teacher. A relative had a school and needed part time help. And my husband, still finishing his senior year in college and doing part time as draftsman, didn't want additional burden on his parents so we took in jobs. So juggling my hours from being a teacher, student, mother and an in-law was difficult.

Two years after becoming a mom, I graduated my bachellors degree in accounting. AFter this we moved out of my in-laws and rented an apartment right accross my in-laws house.
Being a homebody or just being a 'housewife' was not part of my job description for my life. Managing might be, but not the manual aspect of it.

My mother was often out of the house. She was doing office work at the printing press of my dad. Or was selling insurance in my grandfather's company. She was seldom home. And when my parents separated, and I lived with my mom, my grandmother was the influential person in my life. I would have all my meals with my maternal grandparents and Lola Panyang will never cease to put in my head to get a college degree no matter what. It is the ticket to my future.

Moreover, my grandma was a socialite. I would help her whenever she had parties. I know her ritual very well. A week before the party she would have the servants put out the china and the silver ware to be cleaned. She would then set the plates in their places and cover it with a blanket for the dust. Two days before, she would have the whole place decorated. Cutting orchids from the garden, bringing in the plants and placing strategically all over. The day before the party, the serving plates will be lined up in the buffet table, complete with serving spoons and forks. All this would be done by the servants but at your command. I can distinctly remember her telling me, "Vanette, use your mouth and not your hands. Sit down and tell them what to do!" This was my first lesson in manegerial skills. Lola was a good manager. to go..the library is about to close..will write more about what life is for me after college. Whoever reads this hope you had fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My fraternity was originaly founded by the help of Gazebians USC chapter on year 1963..problem is who are those guys..a lost history of my family sad.