First, our houses in the Philippines don't have chimneys, thereby making Santa impossible to come to a child's home via 'that way'. Then there's that bloody red suit with long fluffy white fur that probably could pass as a personal sauna, considering we have only two seasons--hot and hotter. And the only possible snow we know of are those tiny bits of white styrofoam balls that gets blown by a fan and recycled back into a machine to once again from it's duty of a replicate snowfall. And one more thing, those Reindeers (helpers of Santa) will never pass through any Filipino house without the guard dog that is normally tied to the front yard.
But here in America, Santa is such a huge thing. You see him in every mall every Christmas season. I once asked an 8 year old, if there is really just one Santa or are there many Santas. And he just shrugged his shoulder not bothering with such a psychological question. Who cares? As long as I get my presents.
The concept of Santa was not really promoted in our household, because our resources were limited when my kids were growing up and one gift of value is enough for every child, and this had to come from mom and dad. Besides, there were conditions Santa made, you had to be nice--- and who kid is nice all year round? In this world, everything is conditional.....but not mom and dad's love.
I did tell my grandkids some years ago, that Santa is really their dad. And to which one replied, "but lola, daddy is not fat and has no white beard." And yesterday, as my grandkids opened their gifts, I asked them if they got something from Santa to which they shook their heads. (our tradition of truth lives on) But they also gave that look that says, "I don't mind, and I don't care.....because I got all what I wanted from my dad, mom, lolo, lola, titos, titas etc..."
So what more can I say?