Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Don't fear the rat race!

It is almost the start of a New Year, and I am almost sure that most of us are writing our resolutions, goals and probably throwing our intentions for the future. But whatever it is, there is always that anxiousness of unfulfilled aspirations.

In my opinion, Fear is the fuel of expectations. It is also a negative emotion that needs to transform itself to become productive instead of inhibitive. I've had several cases of fear since I was a kid. From being told that the monsters would take me away if I was not behaving, to burning in hell if I didn't believe certain stuff. But whatever it is, fear to me is not really the absence of courage, but the absence of knowledge.

When you know that there is no such thing as monsters, then you learn that there is nothing to fear. And that in reality, you create the monsters you want to believe in.

Having lived in America for a couple of years has made me less fearful in the sense that the attitude of “who cares?!” has had its positive effect on me. A perfect example is dressing up for an event. In truth I had allowed other people to dictate how I dress up for fear of not being appropriately attired. Or sometimes, there's the fear of not having enough food for guests when you host a party. When in reality there is really enough for invited guests, it's just that the filipino culture has this habit of bringing their extended uninvited family members without notifying the host. In both instances, I have learned to dress for myself regardless of who sees me (well at least I have something on), and that food is only an added benefit to having fun with friends--(you can have a party of chips plus water and still enjoy yourself. Believe me, I did attend many of them and they were F-U-N)

A few months ago, I met a friend who had a pair of rats as pets. As a former administrative consultant for a pest control firm whose business was to eradicate termites, bugs and other pests including rats, my knowledge of rodents was they were mean, dangerous and vicious.

However, my friend has totally re-educated me and instead of fearing rats, I feed them. I have come to regard them in a positive light, and that indeed they can be wonderful companions. If you treat all God's creatures with care and mindfulness, they will reciprocate in similar manners.

As a matter of fact, I am reminded of the movie, “Ratatouille” where a rat named Remy wanted to be a great chef considering that the industry is a rodent phobic profession. And against all odds, from a fear based beginning, it ended with a harmonious, delicious and fulfilling conclusion.

I cannot say that I will start the New Year with a fearless attitude, what I am saying is that I would like to enlighten myself more and believe that life is too good to waste on the mundane. So for all of you out there, more blessed holy days ahead and a Happy No Fear!!!!!